gold shimmer ECLATS D'OR Italian Brief

gold shimmer ECLATS D'OR Italian Brief


Underwear with indentation in the front legs and cheer back fabrics.
Italian Brief in plain tulle designed with a sleek fit around the thighs, featuring gold laminated scalloped embroidery on the front and a matching back triangle. The waistband is made of ultra-soft mesh, adorned with four rings on the back. 

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ECLATS D'OR Dress blob - 2024-11-04T111441.169.jfif


gold shimmer ECLATS D'OR ECLATS D'OR G-string blob - 2024-11-04T111028.152.jfif

gold shimmer ECLATS D'OR ECLATS D'OR G-string

GOLD SHIMMERS Curve waist Colors: Black Gold blob - 2024-11-04T103031.914.jfif

GOLD SHIMMERS Curve waist Colors: Black Gold

GOLD SHIMMERS Glam bra Colors: Black Gold blob - 2024-11-04T102847.254.jfif

GOLD SHIMMERS Glam bra Colors: Black Gold
