0500412CAL Low Waist Briefs Marie Jo Avero CAFE LATTE

0500412CAL Low Waist Briefs Marie Jo Avero CAFE LATTE


Avero bikini briefs with daisy string side in checked fabric. Playful low-rise briefs that are lower on the waist. Eye-catcher: the adorable floral embroidery! The back is cut higher than the Rio briefs.

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0100418CAL Padded Plunge Bra Marie JoAvero

0200417PEP Push Up Bra Marie Jo Avero LATTE+PAD.JPG

0200417PEP Push Up Bra Marie Jo Avero

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AVERO Padded Bra Heart Shape

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0500410CAL Rio Briefs Marie Jo Avero

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0600413CAL Thong Marie Jo Avero
